Come to Our Group Meeting
Group 178 meets at 19:15 (7:15 P.M.) on the last Tuesday of the month1 at the Irvine United Congregational Church. The address of the church is 4915 Alton Parkway, Irvine, California 92604. We meet in the Peace Room, the room next to the sanctuary. If you get to the meeting early the doors may be locked but the meeting will happen unless mentioned otherwise on our website.
Alton is between the 405 and 5 freeways and the church is between Culver and Jeffrey. There are several churches on this street so be sure to find the right one. (map)
To get advance notice of meetings, please send a request to our group coordinator to be added to our meeting announcement list. (This is a low-volume mailing list used only to announce meetings and important special events, typically one or two e-mails a month.) You are also encouraged to join our facebook group.
1 We meet on the last Tuesday of the month except in the months of November and December, for which we have one combined meeting on the first Tuesday in December.
Meeting Agenda
What we do during a typical meeting
Usually our meeting will start with letter–writing on the latest Amnesty International actions. (Remember that Amnesty International was founded as a letter–writing organization.) For this portion of the evening you will need to bring a pen, everything else will be provided. See the AIUSA ‘Take Action’ page’ for an example of an Amnesty International letter–writing action.
This will be followed by the business part of the meeting, in which we cover upcoming Amnesty International events and other Human Rights–related events in the area, and other group business. New members are welcome to participate in this part of the meeting also.
Often, our short business discussion is followed by a short presentation or a documentary showing. At some meetings we will have guest speakers to educate us on a topical Human Rights issue.
Our meetings end around 21:00 (9:00 PM)—21:30 (9:30 PM) at the latest—unless our Question & Answer session after the documentary or the guest speaker runs over.
If you are hungry and can’t decide between coming to the meeting or getting food, never fear! Coming to our meeting on time is the right choice. We will provide a variety of cheese, crackers, cookies, chocolate and drinks to give you the energy you need.