Group 141, Orange—Meetings

Join Our Group!

Group structure is informal with a group coordinator who sets the agenda and conducts meetings, as well as coordinators for each of the projects the group is involved in. We also have a treasurer and newsletter editor.

To get advance notice of our meetings, you can either join our Yahoo! group or join our facebook group. Or even both!

Meeting information

When active, the group meets quarterly on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. We spend the first half of each meeting writing letters and signing petitions on behalf of prisoners. During the second half of the meeting, we discuss current human rights issues and plan upcoming outreach events.

We of Group 141 like to think of ourselves as an open and friendly group of people. We welcome your ideas, thoughts, comments, and participation in any areas of our work and activities.

The meeting location is at the Sisters of St. Joseph Center, 480 S. Batavia Street, in Orange. The meeting room is in the Special Events Center located behind (west of) the main building (the Motherhouse). After entering the complex from Batavia Street, drive around the the south side of the Motherhouse and park in the lot in the back. Look for the signs directing you to the meeting room.

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Next Meeting

Please come join us, and don't forget to bring your pen!

see also calendar